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My sons (Sakay Ottawa)


Me with my sons, we play.
Me with my sons, we have fun.
Me with my sons, we laugh.
We are all together at home (territory).

My sons that I love, my guys.

Me with my sons, we hunt.
Me with my sons, we walk.
Me with my sons, we are happy.
We are all together at home (territory).
My sons, my guys.







This is where (Sakay Ottawa)


Where we have always been,
we will follow our path together
walking as we have always done.

That's where we'll all go together.
This is where we will go forever.

This is where we will all go together.
This is where we will go forever.

We must always show our children the right path so that they can flourish.

This is where we will all go together.
This is where we will go forever.









Your first tears (Sakay Ottawa)


I heard you cry when I could not do anything to join you, to console you and love you. ************************************************** ************************************************** *******
I can not wait to see you, everything seems different from life when I think of you. You'll probably show me a lot, that you'll teach me a lot. On my side I will show you what I know and I can not wait to see you.

I can not wait to see you.








Come join me (Kyra Shaughnessy & S. Ottawa)


Come join me in silence
Far from the past and far from time
Without fear and without history.
And nothing separates us

Come join me in the dance
Dance the pride of being together
With our differences, our similarities
Together we are stronger

Come join me…

We will go beyond all that we have known
We will chase the sun
Come join me and dance together.
Come join me and sing together.

Come join me = Pe ntwamici








Together (Alain Gignac & Sakay Ottawa)


A land a house
And what happens the seasons
Peikw aski peikw mikwam
Miparino e aistakoki

I would walk the earth
and I will share it with you.
She will be without borders,
like a brother I would love you

You will come and we will sing together.

A river, a canoe
together we will row.
Peikw sipi, peikw tciman
Mamo ki ka mickanano

To each his customs,
to each his songs
I'll sing you mine,
I will listen to your passions

You will come and we will sing together.











Territory (Steve Flamand and Sakay Ottawa)


One morning I listen to a message (on the radio),
an elder spoke of the territory.
Our Grandfather said that our territory is essential (sacred).
Let's keep it safe, let's take care of it with peace of mind, it's our territory. Our territory.

Our grandfather tells how they lived in the past at home (in their territories).
In their territories.

Our Grandfather said, I count on the new generation to ensure that we always respect and safeguard our territory (our heritage).

Tell them that we have never surrendered our territory,
that we have never sold,
we never traded it,
just as we have ruled
otherwise with respect to our territory.








I remember (Sakay Ottawa)


I remember my grandfather,
I remember my grandmother
and everything they often did when I was young. I remember my grandfather.

When I think of them,
of everything they did
to show us love.

My grandfather, my grandmother.

Grandpa, grandmother we love you.
I say thank you!
To have shown us love.
To have shown us respect.

My grandfather, my grandmother.








When I think of them (Pinaskin Ottawa)


I want you to share what I think
when I remember our grandfathers and
of their friends in our community
being all between family.

Great Spirit helps us reach the place where our grandfathers live. Between them, they
Great Spirit, we would be so happy
to see our grandfathers again.

Once I saw the sun,
once I have known the sun and
life, once I would have lived it.

Once I saw the sun,
once I have known the sun and
life, once I would have lived it.

Great Spirit helps us reach the place where our grandfathers live. They, them.
Great Spirit, we would be so happy
to see our grandfathers again.
Our grandfathers.












If only you knew (Sakay Ottawa)


Did you know?
The first time I saw you,
I knew right away in my heart that I loved you.

Did you know?
When I saw your smile and your eyes
have enlightened my life and that's why I always feel so good.

Never forget that I always think of you when I do not see you. If only you knew how much I love you and all that I feel for you.

Did you know?
All I tell you about my respect towards you
























Thank you (Sakay Ottawa)


Thank you Grandfather, thank you Grandma
To have loved us, to have taught us, thank you.
Thank you Grandfather, thank you Grandma

We are all happy, we like it and we respect it.

Thank you Grandfather, thank you Grandma
To have loved us, to have transmitted to us, thank you.
Thank you Grandfather, thank you Grandma
We admire the bark canoe, we still paddle with

Thank you Grandfather, thank you Grandma
We love the bark basket, that's where we put our bluets. We respect the baby gate, this is where we install our grandchildren.








I hope (Sakay Ottawa)


I'm walking on my right path
I would not give up
I really hope to make it happen
where I want to go,
I always walk.

I want to keep walking
in my path
I would not be discouraged
I hope with ardor
to get where I want to go.
I want to arrive safely to rest well.
To stop and look at my path
so that I can honor my passage.

All I have lived in my life.


Nikosak (Sakay Ottawa)


Ninan kirika nikosak ni pametowanan

Ninan kirika nikosak ni pisinatisinan

Ninan kirika nikosak niwiteritenan

Tapickotc keninan nipa aïcanan nete notcimik


Nikosak ni cowerimawok nikosak


Ninan kirika nikosak nipa ntohonan

Ninan kirika nikosak ni pimotanan

Ninan kirika nikosak ni mireritenan

Tapickotc keninan ni pa icanan nete notcimik

Nikosak, nikosak




Ekote nete (Sakay Ottawa)


Ekote mocak ke icaïkw

Ki meskinamino ki ka nosinetanano tapickotc kika motanano ekoni mocka ke icinakok.  Ekote nete ekote nete mocak ke icaïkw mamo kirano


Ekote nete mocak, mocak, mocak ekote nete mocak ke icaïkw.  Ekote nete, ekote nete mocak ke icaïkw mamo kirano.  Ekote nete mocak mocak mocak ekote nete mocak ke icaïkw


Ekote mocak ke totamekw wapitaratanak kinitcanicinowok miro meskanariw.  Kitci miro pi motetcik


Ekote nete ekote nete mocak ke icaïkw mamo kirano.  Ekote nete mocak, mocak, mocak ekote nete mocak ke icaïkw




Nictam ka matowin (Sakay Ottawa)


Anotc kipetatin nictam ka matowin

Aka tca wec ekitotaman kitci ki n’twamitan

Kitci ki kakitcihitan kitci ki cowerimitan

Micta warowik tca kiapatc e tca otehin kirika kimocomak, Micta mirertamok tca kewirowow motowi keninan


Aci kotc ni micta nakasin kitci wapamitan

Tekci pitoc ni iteriten pimatisiwin e mamitonerimitan ketc natc micta mitcet kika wapitarin kika kaskinamowin. Kenin aric kika wapitaritin kenin e ici kiskeritaman

Aci kotc ni micta nakasin kitci wapamitan

Aci kotc ni micta nakasin kitci wapamitan




Viens me rejoindre (Kyra Shaughnessy & Sakay Ottawa)


Viens me rejoindre dans le silence

Loin du passé et loin du temps

Sans peur et sans histoire.

Et plus rien qui nous sépare


Viens me rejoindre dans la danse

Danser la fierté d’être ensemble

Avec nos différences, nos ressemblances

Ensemble nous sommes plus forts


Viens me rejoindre…

pe n’twamici


On ira au-delà de tout ce qu’on a connus

On chassera le soleil

Pe ntwamici mamo nimitan

Pe ntwamici mamo nikamotan


Viens me rejoindre

Pe ntwamici



Mamo (Alain Gignac & Sakay Ottawa)


Une terre une maison

Et que passes les saisons

Peikw aski peikw mikwam

Miparino e aistakoki


Je marcherais la terre

Et je te partagerais

Elle sera sans frontière

Comme un frère je t’aimerais


Pe icakan mamo kika, ka pa nikamonano

Ki ka pa nikamonano


Une rivière un canot

Ensemble nous ramerons

Peikw sipi peikw tciman

Mamo ki ka mickanano


À chacun ses coutumes

À chacun ses chansons

Je te chanterais les miennes

J’écouterais tes passions


Pe icakan mamo kika, ka pa nikamonano

Ki ka pa nikamonano




Aski (Steve Flamand et Sakay Ottawa)


Peikwa e kicepawok nitoten tipatcimowin

Kice iriniw e nte arimotak askiriw, Askiriw


Atsokew kimocomno, itew micta kictapitan Kitaskino mocak

Miro kanoweritetan, miro pa taciketan

Kitaskino, kitaskino, kitaskino, kitaskino


Atsokew kimocomno, tan sa kewirowaw

E ki pe icanakonik mekwatc kape matisitcik

Otaskiwaw, otaskiwaw


Itepan kimocomno, ockinikiwk nta asperimon

Kitci kicteritakik ketin, kitci nanakitcitatcik

Kitaskino, kitaskino, kitaskino, kitaskino…


Witamowikok, aka wiskat kitci pikitanamok kitaskino

Nama wiskat kitci atwanano

Nama wiskat kitci meckotonenano

Nama kaie wiskat kitci pitoc irakonenano





Anotc e mikwian (Sakay Ottawa)


Anotc e mikwian, nimocom,

Anotc e mikwian nokom,

Mekwatc ka awaciwan e kipe tatotakik

Anotc e mikwian nimocom


Anotc kenin e mikwerimakik

Ekoni ke wirowaw eki pe totakik

E pe wapatarikowak sakiwihiniw


Nimocom, Nokom


Nimocom nokom, ki sakihitinan

Mikwetc ki ititinawaw

E kipe wapatariwak sakihitowin

E kipe wapatariwak kicteritcikewin


Nimocom Nokom




E mikwerimakik (Pinaskin Ottawa)


Ni wi witen e iteritaman

E mikwerimakik kimocominapanak

Kaie okowimesiwaw kotenaminak

Kaskina e otcirowemakik


Kice manto witciciknan

Kitci taciniwak nete

Nimocominominan wakwek

Ke wirowaw, wirowaw

Kice manto, ninan, ni ta micta

mirertenan e wapamahak Nimocominan (minan)


Ickwa wapamake pisimw

Ickwa kiskerimake pismw kaie

Pimatisiwin, ckwa, ickwa, ickwa waptamake


Ickwa wapamake pisimw

Ickwa kiskerimake pisimw,

Kaie pimatisiwin ckwa, ickwa, ickwa waptamake


Kice manto witciciknan

Kitci taciniwak nete

Nimocominominan wakwek

Ke wirowaw

Kice manto, ninan, ni ta micta

mirertenan e wapamahak Nimocominan

Nimocominan (x4)





Kecpin kiskeritaman (Sakay Ottawa)


Ki kiskeriten a ni

Nictam ka wapamitan

Tecikotc e ki kiskeritaman

Nte ka otci kitciparik Ntehik e sakihitan


Kiskeriten a ni

Tepirak e comkowerihin e wapamitan e pe kinawapamihin

Ki wactenen ni pimatisiwin

Ekoni wetci e micta pa mirerimowian


Akowir tca onike

Tataw a ka e wapamitan mocak ki pa mikowerimitin

Kecpin kiskeritaman Ntehik etci, etci sakihitan


Ki kiskeriten a ni

Anowe ka witamatan e mawotci kicterimitan

Mawotci kicteritaman

Tapickotc e pa matisihekw


Ki kiskeriten a ni

Nehe ka nitaweritaman mocak tamickotc kitci pa motehikw

Mocak kitci takoskenitan, mocak kitci sakihitan

Akwir tca onike tataw waka e wapamitan mocak kipa mikowerimitin

Kecpin kiskeritaman Ntehik e tci etci sakihitan


Kecpin kiskeritaman etci sakihitan mocak ki ka takoskenitin

Mocak ki ka sakihitin.




Mikwetc (Sakay Ottawa)


Mikwetc, mikwetc Nimocom, mikwetc Nokom

E ki pe cowerimihiak, e ki pe kiskinamowak

Mikwetc, mikwetc Nimocom, mikwetc Nokom


Ni mirertenan ni sakihitanan kaie ni kicteritenan


Mikwetc Nimocom, mikwetc Nokom

E ki pe cowerimihiak, e ki pe nikatamohowiak


Mikwetc mikwetc, Mikwetc Nimocom, mikwetc Nokom

Ni mirowinenan wikwas tciman enko ka pamickokehiak


Mikwetc Nimocom, mikwetc Nohokom

Ni sakihitanan wikowamati ekote actahak niminiciminan

Ni kicteritenan tikinakan ekote arahak Nosiminan




Ni pokoserimon (Sakay Ottawa)


Ketin nimotan ni meskinamik

Nama mani nika atwerimon

Ketin ni pokoserimon

Kitci takocinian

Wi e ici takocinian

Ketin nimotan


Ketin niwi motan kenin ni meskinamik

Nama orona nika atwerimon kenin

Ketin ni pokoserimon

Kitci takocinian nete kenin ka wi ici takocinian

Ni wi miro takocinin kitci miro arowepian

Kitci nokian, kitci ki kinawapataman e icinakok kenin ni meskinam

Kitci kenin kicteritaman ka kipe totaman


Ka kipe icinakok kenin, kenin ni pimatisiwin.


Micta mikwetc kaskina                                                                               Thank you all !

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